A selection of lectures, mostly from presentations done in cooperation with iCAAD (International Conferences on Addiction and Associated Disorders)
Could Dual Diagnosis Be the Key to Personalised Treatment in Addiction?
As our knowledge about addiction is increasing the association between mental illness and addiction is
better understood. The controversy about the appropriateness of the term Dual Diagnosis to describe such a heterogeneous group of patients has sparked a debate on treatment and assessment models. It highlighted the fact that as far as treatment modalities are concerned, one size might just not fit all. Describing the role of the psychiatrist in addiction care he poses the questions: What if dual diagnosis is actually the key to better understanding of our patients? What if this knowledge leads to more individualised treatments? And are we ready for personalised treatment in the addiction field?
The Elephant in the Room Dual Diagnosis: Treatment & Addiction
Presenting in Stockholm with Prof Jonathan Chick and Dr Kelly on the topic of Dual Diagnosis being unrecognized, under diagnosed and under-treated. An exploration of the meaning of Dual Diagnosis as well as treatment modalities. The lecture is split into two parts. The first part is an exploration and basic introduction of the topic. Part II focuses on case studies and more in-depth scientific data.
Dr Mouton reviews current knowledge on co-morbidity in the addiction field. Focusing on more than psychiatric co-morbidity, he also looks at physical, social, psychological, spiritual and cultural components affected by addiction.
Navigating the Chaos: ADHD and Addiction
The skill outcomes for this presentation include being able to recognise ADHD in adults with addiction and a systematic approach to assessment and treatment of ADHD in addiction.
The co-occurrence of ADHD and addiction is a well-known phenomenon. It is also riddled with myths and stigma. So what do we really know about this co-morbidity. Is it true that the medicines used to treat ADHD can cause addiction? What is the true potential for abuse of these medicines? How does ADHD affect addiction and vice versa? What are the psychological implications of this co-morbidity on the patients, society and the family? The presentation provides up to date evidence based facts about the topic of ADHD and Addiction.
There are a variety of services and packages to choose from

Psychiatry Practice
At the private practice in The Hague, diagnosis and cutting-edge care is provided using medication and psychotherapy to treat a variety of psychiatric conditions

ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Intervention
ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Intervention introduces the addicted person and the family to a new life of recovery and healing.

Lectures, slides, articles and more! Live the Road® stationary, posts and forms available soon! Information on lectures and training.